Sun shining, wind in my hair, a notebook filled of ideas/goals, pens and lipstick fill up my purse. Running on 2 hours of sleep and here I am feeling on top of the world earlier today. It was a day I had eagerly been awaiting all month. I did whatever it took to be there. That meant taking a very late flight from Dallas last night to make sure I was back in Chicago, dressed and ready to line up at United Center with thousands of others by 7am this morning.
Today I got to spend 10+ hours surrounded with likeminded, inspiring people from all walks of life. Nothing beat being in the presence of two of my biggest inspirations tho — Tony Robbins and Gary Vaynerchuk.
If you know me at all then you know just how much this day meant to me…
I sorta disappeared on social media (much, much more on that later) after a month of ups and many downs and to be honest – I really needed it. I wasn’t living up to my own potential and it takes a lot to look in the mirror and realize that you were burnt out, giving away your power too easily and losing focus. I needed time to work on myself and realign. Gain my power back. I wanted to do and be better.
It was a month that I needed to go and grow through. I’m ready to take action and pursue all these new ideas and goals that have filled my head, heart and journal the last month.
I soaked this whole day up for myself but more importantly – for the younger version of myself that I know is probably out there, wanting to give up like I have wanted to many times. To her I say … be patient, keep going. We got this. 💃🏼 #NAC2019#TonyRobbins#GaryVee
I Got To See Gary Vee + Tony Robbins Speak Today! @ United Center – Chicago, IL